Oliver Egger
Founder ahdis
An interoperable exchange of health care information is a challenge. With the founding of ahdis and our commitment to the standardization community, it is my hope that we will get ever closer to achieving an interoperable exchange of healthcare data.
Michaela Ziegler
Senior Digital Health Consultant
I am committed to the transparent and secure exchange of health data so that it is available at the right time and in the places where it is needed. The use of modern international standards is essential to ensuring that the data exchanged is structured and understood by all actors.
Quentin Ligier
Senior Software Engineer
I am passionate about developing solutions with impact in (digital) health. The healthcare system is under pressure to improve efficiency and outcomes while reducing costs. Medical informatics will enable such progress; I hope to be a part of this development.
Alexander Kreutz
Software Architect
Health data in IT is a complex topic. By developing new tools and services, I would like to contribute to making the standardized exchange of health information more manageable.